Tales from Azerim - Skycraft - Walkthrough


1.0 Kalabor
1.1 Honeywood
1.2 Rangers Guild
1.3 Delethin
1.4 Darkwood Hollow
1.5 Darkwood
1.6 Alderkeep
1.7 Rubbish Tip
1.8 West End Cove
1.9 Tomb of Volgoth
2.0 The Moutain of Holy Fire
2.1 Pochinki Shrine
2.2 Schmargonrog
2.3 Bonfire
2.4 Playtech
2.5 The Last Outpost
2.6 Dark Lords Realm


Leave the room and cross the corridor to Baraduns office. This is the door before the 2 female NPCs blocking the exit.

Speak to Baradun to get your first objective - find the Captain. You can speak to Baradun for further diaglogue and interact with items in the room for a description.

Exit the room and head right.

Master Padraic is to the north of this room and explains that the stone plinth next to him explains the story. Interact with the stone to get some story exposition. It will
show you a cut scene and return you to the room.

Now exit south to the Temple courtyard. You can speak to NPCs here to get clues on where to go next. The captain is found in the tent to the top right of the area.
Talk to Captain Issac. Select "I guess..." to progress. He will join your party and will instruct you to go to the monster pit.

Go back inside the temple and take the corridor to the right. You can speak to Nils here to view art commisioned for Baradun.

Continue to the right and into the Monster Pit. Talk to the Solider. Once the gate is open, fight then enemies and follow the tutorial instructions.
Speak to the solider again to access the next tutorial fight. Once complete Isaac will instruct you to go to the tent in the southern part of the courtyard.
Before you leave the monster pit, the covered vase on the right has a Dispel Herb (used to cure status ailments)

Make your way outside and into the southern tent in the courtyard. Search the boxes until you find the Bangle accessory and follow Isaacs instructions to equip it.
The bangle is found on the left hand crate.
Isaac now instructs you to get some real armour. Visit the shop in the top left section of the courtyard. There is also a Health Potion in the vase next to the shop.

Isaac will give you some money for both the item shop and the armour shop.

Item Shop:
Health Potion
Mana Potion
Antidote (this cures poison)

Armour Shop:
Leather Cap
Leather Armour

By a piece of armour (Leather Armour is recommended) and equip it straight away. Baradun will now appear to give you your first quest.
You can now view quests in your quest log (Press Esc or right click to access)

Go south of the courtyard. You can now leave the temple walls. Interact (enter/left click) with the horse and cart.
A cut scene will now play as you travel to Honeywood.



When you arrive at Honeywood, you will need to speak to Greg for his first quest.


Greg wil give you 5 health potions.

Sheep 1 - Go south of Greg to where you first entered Honeywood. You will find Euegenes house on the left. Sheep 1 is in his house.

Sheep 2 - Travel north and turn left at Bodger. Enter the next area. Sheep 2 is in the field.

Sheep 3 - Return to the main Honeywood area. Go past Bodger and Greg and continue right into the Shopping area of Honeywood. Sheep 3 is in the middle of this area.

Sheep 4 - Enter the Honeywood Tavern in the shopping area. It is to the top right of the area. The sheep is found dancing on the bar.

Sheep 5 - Enter the tent in the bottom right of the Shopping area. Poppy will fight you. Once you win you will have the 5th sheep.

Rest at the inn after the fight with Poppy to recover your health. (Talk to the bar maid in the building marked "Inn")

Return to Greg to hand in the quest once you have all 5 sheep. You will get 200G

Talk to Greg again for the next quest


Interact with 4 pink flowers placed around Gregs hut.
Once you have 4, speak to Greg again. You will get 3 Antidotes.

A cut scene will play with Greg and Bodger.

You can now accept quests from Greg and Bodger. Travel south to Eugenes house and accept a quest from his wife.


Travel left past Bodger and into the field. Travel north through the field and into The Lightwood.

You will find 200G in a chest, left of the well.

Travel right, across the bridge. Go down the stairs and speak to any of the 3 NPCs to start a battle encounter.
Once you have beaten Charles and Bernard, speak to Eugene. He will give you 200G and return home.

The chest to your right holds 2 antidotes.
The chest under the bridge holds 5 eye washs (cure blind)


Go into the Lightwood and get into 5 random encounters. Return to Bodger once that's done to complete the quest.

He will offer you a new quest.

Rest at the Inn to recover your health and mana.


Travel left past Bodger. Continue left below the fence to the field to enter the Graveyard.
Enter the crypt and travel downstairs. Go up into a room with a coffin. Walk to the foot of the coffin to start the mini
boss encounter.

Exit the crypt and return to Greg. You'll receive 200G

Travel to the shopping area to find the muggers next to the accessory shop (available after saving Eugene). They have a quest for you.


Follow Charles and Bernard into Charles house. Interact with the hole in the floor.
You will end up in a cave under Charles house.

Inspect the odd wall that's next to where you fall. Interact with the items in there to receive Gold. (1100G in total)

Flip the switch opposite the gate to open the way. Travel down through the gate to start a mini boss encounter.

Use the ladder to exit out of the well.

Enter the mayors house (top right of this area) to accept a new quest.


Travel down the stairs to the mayors basement. Touch the rats to fight them. Once all the rats are dead it will trigger a mini boss.
The boss drops a royal chair. You can sell this to Fred the fruit merchant in the south western part of the shopping area.
You can find Poison in the chest (poisons enemies)
Once complete, speak to the mayor upstairs. He will give you 200G.


Travel to the Lightwood and follow the path round to where you saved Eugene. Go north. You will find a chest with several items in:
Health Potion
Fish Lish
Ranger Armour
Golden Skull of Rauhl - can be sold to Fred the fruit merchant in Honeywood shopping area.

In the top right you will find a chest with Smelling Saltss (revive a knocked out party member)

Continue left and under the poing to find the accessory Blue Steel Pendant
Continue up and to trigger a cut scene (if you opened the chest)

Open the chest on your right to find 3 Mana Potions

Go up the staits abnd open the chest on your left - accessory Conraus Gem

Touch the boar in this area to trigger a mini boss fight for the Pig leather.

Return to Bodger to finish the quest. You will receive 300G

Now speak to Greg for a new Quest


First, go to the Inn in the shopping area. There you will find Britt. Speak to her and she will join your party (Cleric - Healer)
A quest from BOB is also available. Speak to him and he will temporarily join the party. - Note that you cannot progress the main story later on until completing BOBs quest.

Travel to the Lightwood.
Bodger has a quest available but you cannot accept it until BOBs quest is complete.

Go through the woods until you find an NPC giving a quest to kill wolves.
The wolves are a random encounter in the area where you fought the boar. Kill 5 sets and return to the NPC to receive 300G and learn HOLY NOVA.

Travel across the bridges to the north and speak to the ghost by the gold statue. You can use this statue to heal the party.

Go up the stairs to the left of the statue. Walk towards the door to trigger a cut scene. Once you can move, select the other 2 glyphs on the floor nearby.
Once the doors unlocked, entire the dungeon. Travel up to find a chest containing Gregs Garlic Sword (not equipable, it belongs to Greg!)

4 Crystals need to be activated to proceed. Activate the red crystal to the right of the chest containing the Garlic Sword.
Now move up and to the right to find a Bonnet (hat for Britt)
Go over to the yellow crystal on the left and activate it.
Continue left until the green crystal and then activate it. Open the chest in the top left corner of the room for 2 smelling salts

you can go up into an area with a bookcase. Search the bookcase for an antidote.

Take the southern corridor in the room with the green crystal. Follow it round and activate the blue crystal. The gate in the previous room is now open.
Open the chest for 3 lozenges (cures silence)

Return to the room with the green crystal and go through the gate to the top left. Follow the corridor to the left to find a chest containing a Dark Stone (nullifies dark
magic attacks on you)

Travel north. There's a chest with a mana potion and a gold statue where you can heal.

Go across the bridge for the boss fight - Grand Vizier Zain Shadowsoul
Hit the glowing orb before attacking Zain or he will be invulnerable. Once the orb is defeated you will be able to hurt Zain. He can silence you. Use lozenge to remove silence.

Once the boss is defeated, go down to the purple flame and interact with it. You will be moved outside.

If BOB is in your party, continue on into the Lightwood by travelling east. Be sure to heal at the gold statue.


Travel east from the gold statue in the Lightwood (near the Flame of Darkness dungeon).
Cross the bridge and go down the steps for a cut scene and mini boss.
Warning - Monsters in this area are tougher than the rest of Lightwood.

After the boss fight, go to the right to find the Woodcutter. He has a quest to collect wood for him. The wood is all nearby on the floor. You interact with it to pick it up.

Wood 1 - Upper left, next to the chest with the Wooden Shield
Wood 2 - Lower left, opposite the staits you came in from.
Wood 3 - to the Right of Wood 2
Wood 4 - north of Wood 3, at the base of a large tree
Wood 5 - Upper right of Wood 4, by the water.

Woodcutter will give you 300G.

Continue right until you get to the forest village. There are no random encounters here.
There is an armour shop and an inn.

You will find BOBs trainer in the top right of the map, outside a mushroom house. Speak to him to complete the quest.

Speak to the large tree by the pond to get 3 dispel herbs

Travel back to Honeywood. You can hand in the Flame of Darkness quest to Greg interact with the robes he puts down. You can now also accept Bodgers quest and a new quest
from Greg.


Travel into the Lightwood with Bodger and investigate the well. It will trigger a boss fight - be fully healed for this one and make sure you have the best gear you have
equipped. Make use of Bodgers Defence Aura and Frenzied Rage. Dragons are also weak to Thunder magic so use Adventurers Blinding Light spell.

Once the dragon is defeated, return to Boders hut to receive the Armour or Argon (for Isaac)


Go to the Honeywood shopping area, to the top right of the map. You will find Dinkledork by the Mayors house. Speak to him and go inside the Mayors house.
Search for clues

Clue 1 - Wood pile on the blue rug
Clue 2 - Discarded clothes near the bookcase
Clue 3 - Footsteps near the basement.

Follow Dinkledork into the basement. Search for clues.

Clue 1 - Blood stain
Clue 2 - The sword by the mayor
Clue 3 - The mayor!

Finding all the clues will trigger a battle. Once over, return to Greg. You will get the Garlic Ring as a reward. Greg will tell you to speak to Bodger

Bodger tells you to go to Darkwood.

Travel south to find a new quest from Eugene. Travel round the back of his house and interact with the bucket of water. Then go to a fire and interact to put it out.
Get more water and repeat until a cut scene is triggered and the fire goes out. Return to Eugene when complete.

Exit Honeywood south of Eugenes house. You can now access Darkwood, Delethin and the Rangers Guild. (rest at the inn first if you need to heal!)


Bodger has asked you to find help defending Honeywood. Most help is found in Darkwood but you can also recruit help in the Rangers Guild and in Delethin which will
affect the game later on.


Travel north of Honeywood to find the Rangers Guild. Dinkledork has a quest.


Leave the Rangers Guild and head north. You will see a cave in the mountain side. Enter the cave.
A chest in the top left corner of the cave has a Magic Tiara (head gear for Britt)

Go up to the top centre section of the cave to find a cave troll. Watch the cut scene and kill the troll.
Search the human body in the top left for the ring. Once you have it, leave the cave and return to Dinkledork to hand in the quest and receive 700G



Delethin has an Item Shop, Accessory Shop and Skills Trainer (in the tent)

Item Shop

Super Health Potion
Super Mana Potion
Dispel Herb
Smelling Salts
Fish Lish
Silence Weed
Sticky Oil
Distraction Dust!
Sleep Powder
Garlic Fish
Tea Flavoured Milkshake

Accessory Shop

Fire Stone
Thunder Stone
Earth Stone
Light Stone
Dark Stone
Water Stone

Skills Trainer

Pay 2000G to learn his skill - in the practice battle just let him kill you (it will make sense once he does!)

Travel to the top left of Delethin to find the mountain path. Speak to a NPC with the Death Knight to recruit him as a reinforcement for Honeywood.

Continue left into the mountains. This area has random encounters. Travel up the mountain until you find a cave. In the cave there is a chest containing a Barbut (Isaac helmet)
Carry on up the mountain to reach the School of Holy Magic and speak to the NPC.
A chest in the top left contains a Buff Belt accessory.
Travel back down the mountain. Rest at the Inn if you need to and then leave Delethin.


To find Darkwood Hollow, travel west of Honeywood and then North.

You will need to pass through Darkwood Hollow to reach the town of Darkwood.
Follow the path until you reach a cave.
Go up through the cave until you reach a room with a bridge. Before the stairs up, check the hole in the wall for 500G.
Continue through until you reach the room with water. Cross the water to the switch on the wall. Go back up and right to find a chest containing El Pozo Bow (Britt Weapon)
Go south to leave the cave. Continue on the path until you find a gold statue to heal. Just south east of the statue there's a chest containing a Super Health Potion

In the next area you will find Willow with a quest for you.


Interact with the bandits to start the battle

The southern most shack contains 200G in the pot on the left of the door.
You can sleep in the tent by interacting with the beds. There's a smelling salt in the sack on the right.
The wooden shack in the middle contains a chest with a Super Health Potion and the Bandit leader who has Willows cage key. Defeat him to get the key.
Free Willow and she will join your party. She wants to go to Delethin but Isaac wants you to go to Darkwood first.
Carry on to the left and up to enter the town of Darkwood


Darkwood is in the same layout as Honeywood. Go speak to Liam (Bodgers location). He will ask you to find jobs to do around town.

There is a chest to the right of Evil Greg. Open it to learn a new skill (mug 'em)

Speak to Evil Greg and accept his quest. It will involve a lot of fighting so make sure you are ready and speak to him again to start. Stay at the Inn first if you need to.

Speak to Greg when you are ready. He will start the encounters. There's no breaks between the 6 encounters. Defeat all the spiders to receive 5 dispel herbs.

Speak to Greg again to accept a new quest.

Soul 1 - Go left and past Liams (Bodgers) hut and into the graveyard to find the 1st soul.
Soul 2 - Go to the shopping area to the right of Evil Gregs hut. The 2nd soul is roaming in this area.
Soul 3 - Found in the Inn.
Soul 4 - Found in the tent in the bottom right - this one will attack you.

Go back to Evil Greg to hand in the quest and receive 500G

Go south to Evil Eugene and accept his quest.

Enter Evil Eugenes house. The shelve in the top left of the room contain Poison.
The boss is in the bottom left of the room. Approach to trigger an event. Defeat the boss and return to Eugene to receive Chainmail Bikini (Armour for Britt)

Go to the Graveyard and speak to Alandor for a quest. This quest is for a large dungeon so be prepared.

Go into the crypt. Travel up and avoid the holes in the floor.
You will be told to search around. Inspecting the wrong coffin triggers a fight. Inspect the top right coffin to fight a Mimic - this will clear the path to the next level.

Travel south through the maze and flick the switch. You can the flick the switch just above, and then move to the top right of the maze to open chests containing the
Erengal Spear (Isaac weapon) and then flick the next switch. Move south to open a chest with the Sunless Veil (Britt head gear) and Scalemail (Isaac armour).
Continue south and heal at the gold statue.
Inspect the middle coffin to proceed.
On the next level, inspect the left gargoyle to proceed.
Travel through the corridor and go up the ladder to begin the boss encounter. Beat the boss to get the Erengal Sword (Adventurer weapon)
Speak to Alandor to receive an Erengal Bow (Britt weapon)

Go to the shopping area and speak to The Watcher for a new quest.


Once you have accepted the quest, rest at the inn if you need to, and then travel outside of Darkwood (south of Eugenes house)
Speak to The Watcher and follow him to the left. Speak to him to start the encounter.
The dragon hits hard, so Holy Nova will be needed - manage Britts mana. Dragons are weak to Thunder magic so use Blinding Light from the Adventurer.

Once complete, the Watcher will give you potions which can be used to buff you in battle. Now head back into Darkwood and to Liam.
Hand in the quest to start a cut scene. Speak to Liam again to get Chainmail of Chaffing (Adventurer armour)
Rest at the Inn before you leave.

Once you leave Darkwood, speak to Evil Greg to fast travel.

Return Willow to Delethin. Walk to the left and a cut scene will play. You will receive an Ergenal Shield (adventurer equipment)

Go to Honeywood


Go north to find Bodger. Open the chest at his hut for a Dancers Crown (Britt head gear)

Inspect the dead villagers to receive a Super Mana Potion, Smelling Salts and a Mega-Potion.

Go into the Lightwood through the new entrance left of Gregs hut. Watch the cut scene and proceed left and up into the Lightwood.

You will see several cutscenes and will have to dodge arrows.

Speak to the Ranger to receive a Super Health Potion. Continue round until you can enter north into a save spot. There's a gold statue to heal and a merchant selling items.

Continue left and up. The next encounter will be skipped if you recruited the death knight.

After the cutscene with BOB, talk to him again to get Fish Lish (gives TP in battle) Up from BOB there is a chest behind a tree containing Wolfskin Armour (Adventurer armour)

Speak to Admus to learn a new spell Meteor.

Go right and then down before the stairs to find a chesta containing the Miramar Bow (Britt weapon)

Go up the stairs and across to heal at the gold statue. SAVE! And then go down for a big boss battle.

This battle is in 2 parts. It pays to have a Dark Stone equipped to mitigate a lot of the damage. Focus on the additional enemies that appear. If you damage the Orc Mage, he will keep summoning help.

Once complete, watch the cut scene and make your way out of Honeywood. (armour and weapon shops have new stock)

By Gregs hut you will watch a cut scene. You'll fight Baradun.
Baradun will do different types of damage depending on his location. The most difficult to deal with is the final phase and status effects. Wear any accessories you have to help prevent status ailments.
Fire Stones will also help mitage a lot of the damage.

Baradun will join your party. Heal at the Inn.

Speak to Greg to get a new quest


Travel into the Lightwood and go up by the well where you first fought the dragon with Bodger. Go into the clearing and free 4 children from cages. Return to Greg for 400G.
Speak to him again to get Vampires Bane (Adventurers Sword)

Go speak to Eugene for a new quest


Go the to graveyard and inspect the new tall grave (near the centre.) This will trigger a fight.
Report back to Eugene for a Taego Axe (Bodger Weapon)

Speak to Eugene again for a new quest


This is the final quest in the Eugene story line. Go into his house, watch the cutscene and report back for a Honeywood Ribbon - this protects from ALL status effects.

Now leave for Alderkeep. It is east once you're over the southern bridge



There is an Item Shop and Weapon/Armour Shop.

The Casino has hidden currency in the piano, sofa and potted plant. Use it in the slot machines or transfer it for G at the bar.

Enter the Mages Guild at the very top side of town. Watch the cutscene and accept the quest. Go upstairs to rest for free and open the chest to find Leothil's Pin (Accessory - Magic Attack)


Grates around town will get you into the Sewers. There will be switches to activate to enable bridges across the sewer water.

Grate 1 - Go to the Semi Detached house in the top right of town. Go down the hole (it will trigger a fight first). There you will find a Taego Shield
Grate 2 - Hidden behind the left side of the Casino roof. Enter to find a Knights Helm
Grate 3 - Go down to the bottom right side of town. By the steps there is a grate (next to armour shop). Go in to find 3000G
Grate 4 - Go to the very bottom right of town, the grate is by the hedge. Go north in the sewers to hit a switch then exit the way you came in.
Grate 5 - Bottom left of town. Hit the switch and exit.
Grate 7 - Next to the mages guild (to it's left). Hit the switch and exit.
Grate 8 - Top left of town by the castle. Go south in the sewers and hit the switch. Then head north and follow the path round until you reach the boss. Careful of the fire, it hurts.

Fight the Vampire Queen and return to the Mages Guild to learn a spell for Baradun (Gleaming Eye Scorcher - high damage with a chance to blind you)
You can rest upstairs in the mages guild.

Go into the Castle. There are some items in the rooms to the left and right. Once you're done, go up to see the king.


You'll be told to go to the Tomb of Valgoth. Exit Alderkeep when you're ready and head west to find the rubbish tip


You will find a lot of useful items in wooden crates here.


Search the houses for some chests. There is a chest in the right side of the inn, and to the bottom left of town also.
The vendors here sell more potent potions.


The Tomb is north, towards Gerdawn and Kalabor. It's the cave in the mountains.
You can visit Kalabor first for powerful weapons from the vendor. These are better than what you find in the tomb.

Enter the tomb. On this 1st level there are invisible skeletons. There's a chest in the top left of this map and some items to be found in holes. The largest hole has skeletons in it.
The hole by the water hurts. If you inspect it twice you get additional dialogue.

The way down to the next level is central and north.

This next section is an invisible maze. Here is the route:

Up x 3
Right x 6
Down x 2
Right x 3
Up x 2
Up x 2
Left x3
Left x 4
Left x2
Up x 3
Up x 2
Left x 5
Down - Chest - Armour of Gargoth
Right x 5
Right x4
Up x 7
Right x 2
Right x 2
Right x2
Down x 2

You are now in the forest of Decay. You can cut through the vines (it starts an encounter)
before the first vines, carry on to the left to find a chest with a Sanhok Bow.
After cutting the first vines go north east for Necromancer Robes
Continue north west for a gold statue. Heal and carry on east.
Stick to the south east and clear vines to find a Summon Merchant scroll.
Continue North as far as you can go and then west toward a tree. Go towards it to fight. Pick up the crystal it drops and take it to the stone slab to continue

You are now in the Labyrinth. Follow the green marks on the floor to get treasure. There is also a chest in the top left and bottom right of the maze. There is a gold statue before the boss.
Once you beat the boss, interact with the body to get the Minotaur Horn and continue down the stairs. The boss is north from there. He's weak to Light magic.

Once completed you will teleport out of the dungeon. Return to Alderkeep.

Speak to the King, you now have the airship.



Go in the cave here and speak to Roger to accept a quest. He wants ore from Schmargonrog to help craft powerful weapons.


Take the airship to the very bottom left of Azerim and land on Southwind. Enter the shrine and take the 3 items in there.


You can visit the Last Outpost and enter the hut to view an optional cut scene.

Schmargonrog is north of there. Enter via the mountain path and head north, getting the chest on the left as you go.
In the next area there will be boulders dropping down to dodge. On the bridge you will need to interact with the rock in order to climb down.
Once you're at the top, enter the cave and watch a cutscene, then exit to the left.

In the lava cave, go all the way left and go into a cave for a block puzzle. The blocks reset if you exit and re-enter so you can do trial and error to solve this.

Go up the stairs and get the 2 chests in this area - the gold chest has the Ore in which you need to give Roger.
There are 2 exits on the right of this area which take you to platforms above the dragons. Interact with the boulders to smash the floor.

Go back into the lava cave and go north west to the gold statue to heal, then take the north western path. The path then splits into 2. Take the right path first and interact with the boulder.
Go back and take the left path. Navigate south around the holes and corpses to get to the chest, then exit to the north.

In this area you will need to follow the path up the mountain, climbing down ropes and jumping across the stepping stones in the lava. Heal at the gold statue at the top and save before fighting
the Dragon of Schmargonrog.
Dragons are weak to Thunder. He takes half fire damage when he's red, so save Dragon Slash until he changes blue. He is then weak to fire as well as Thunder but will do Ice and Water attacks.
He will then turn Purple and will do Dark magic and is weak to Thunder and Light. When his mout glows he is charging a powerful AOE so keep health topped up.

You will enter the airship once you win the battle.

Go back to Roger for your weapons. Baraduns weapon is at Kalabor - speak to the blue dragonborn in the entrance to the temple (Master Padraic by the stone tablet)
2 new areas are also now available.



Travel to the northern central part of the map, to the right of the river at the small cluster of mountains. There is a stone structure you can enter to find the Bonfire.
There's an NPC you can talk to, a Bonfire you can rest at and a crystal lizard with an armour peice on it, if you catch it.


Go West from the bonfire across the river. You will see a building. Enter it and open 4 chests to get 4 shirts. This armour is the most powerful in the game.
Speak to Rowan enough times to have him sell you items


Enter the hut and speak to the commander. He will ask for a donation. You can give 3000, 6000, 9000 or nothing.

3000 - help with the ground floor of the tower
6000 - help with the ground floor and 1st floor of the tower
9000 - help with the whole tower - saves a lot of encounters

Donating also opens up the shop which is useful if you need to sell anything. You can donate 3000 if you don't have enough, go sell items, and then return to pay more.

Enter the tower and go left, if you have donated walk toward the cultists and watch the cutscene. If you have not paid you will have to fight each of these groups of cultists.
Grab the treasure and go to the opposite side of the tower to the right and towards the cultists and treasure.
Go north and grab the treasure in the top right room. Continue counter/anti-clockwise and watch a cutscene with the watcher.
Go up the stairs in the top left corner.

On this floor you will need to activate orbs to proceed past crystal walls. When you hit the next orb, the crystal wall will turn back on again.
The crystal wall maze in the middle of this floor will need you to ignore the crystal at its base, then the crystal in the middle will need activating from the south, east and north to proceed.
Activate the next crystal and go north to watch a cutscene. You can use Greg as a shop. Continue round and activate the right hand orb to reveal 2 chests. Go south and up the stairs (Worry about the other chest later)

Go through this floor dodging projectiles and dodging holes in the floor which you can fall down. Heal at the gold statue and regret buying that shield from the vendor outside when you open the chest.

Continue round to the stairs, but don't go up yet, drop down the hole and open the chest. Make your way back and save before going up.

You now have a boss fight and a cutscene before you're able to continue to the end part of the game. Only go through the portal when you're ready. You can use Greg as a shop or fast travel out of the tower and come back later.


Go up and into the castle. This floor is full of mimics. Go left and ignore the 1st chest, go up and activate the crystal and open the chest here.
Go back toward the entrance, now go right, ignore the chest and go north to activate the crystal. The stairs are now clear.
Go back to the entrance, go north but instead of going up the stairs, go to the upper right room for a jail key. The jail is in the upper left room. Open it up and take the treasure.

Go upstairs. This floor is full of Dullahan who run at you and start an encounter. There are treasure chests in the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right rooms. You will want these!
You can exit the castle in the south to find Bodgers final weapon and a gold statue in the room to the left.

Go back in the castle, head stright up and go upstairs. Go to the room on the right and loot all the chests. Go outside in the south for a chest. Then use the left room to heal. Save and carry on up for the final boss
He is weak to Light, and has some heavy hitting attacks (Fire and Dark) he has Toxic Cloud so have Britt wear the Honeywood Ribbon so she can still heal. Keep health topped up. Be prepared for devour.
Use megalicksas, you won't need them after this!

Well done! You can now watch the ending scene.

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Chicken Dinners give a permanent boost to Attack (1 point)

1. Darkwood Hollow - as you enter the cave there is a hole in the wall on the left in the poison water
2. Darkwood - Search the empty bucket behind Evil Eugenes house
3. Delethin - Go to the top left exit of Delethin to the Dark Knight. Go in the house. It's on the table
4. Honeywood - After saving Honeywood, it is in Gregs barrel
5. Alderkeep - It's in the sewer, Take the grate in the top left of the town, go south until you find a trash pile in a corner. It's in there
6. West End Cove - Barrel in the top left
7. Tomb of Volgoth - In the Labyrinth, follow the green marks on the floor until you reach the 2nd hole in the wall
8. Mountain of Holy Fire - It's in the rock by the lava river
9. Schmargonrog - It's in the lava cave in a hole in the wall before the gold statue / above the 2nd exit
10. Bonfire - it's in the top right rock
11. The Last Outpost - it's on a cultist on the 3rd floor. When you've done all the encounters, go back past the gold statue and it's the dead cultist by the central wall.
12. Southwind - Take the airship to the bottom left corner of Azerim, enter the building on the island. It's on the table. This one is worth 3 points.


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Azerim, SkyCraft, Epic NPC Man and all the Characters therein is the intellectual property of Viva La Dirt League, and this game is a pure non-profit, fan-made creation. The videos that Viva La Dirt League have created over the years, are available on their website as well as information on how you can support their continued growth. www.VivaLaDirtLeague.com

Viva La Dirt League has not created, published or had any input into the making of this game, and can therefore not be held liable for any content within the game, or any issues that may arise from you downloading and/or playing this game.